When developing websites, it is unthinkable not to use Google Chrome, even if just to check if all is working as intended. You may or may not enjoy it, but the fact is that "it" became the de-facto browser, and should be used as the main reference for the serious web developer. A simple look at the browser market share data since June 2016 until June 2017 reflects its wide-spread usage . Besides its usage ratio, Chrome also boasts the infamous Chrome Dev Tools - a large set of tools that lets you dig deeply into your website or webapp. One of those tools is the responsive device toolbar, which helps you visualise your style and layout through a different device format and size. This, of course, helps tremendously today's web developer. On the same tool, you can look at the css styling and how its reacting to your target device, make changes on-the-fly and save the updated result. It still doesn't replace real device testing, as sometimes the rendering has dif...
My little space to talk about front and back-end web design, CSS, web apps, javascript, technology in general and everything else I find interesting. Hope you enjoy it :)